What's New at HacWare?
We have released a new micro training on Smishing! This mini cybersecurity video packs a punch because it helps your end-users to understand the Smishing (text message based) threat landscape and how to avoid these modern phishing attacks in minutes.
Also, check out the top 3 phishing attacks from this week!
Want to skip ahead?
0:27 - New Smishing Training Released!
2:23 - Bank Know Your Customer (KYC) Scams
3:16 - Microsoft Excel Upgrade Scams
4:48 - Account Verification Scams
Need FREE Resources?
Need Secure Code Training for your Developers? Join our live streams on Twitch as our CEO shows software developers how to secure their development environments from cyber criminals. Follow us now on Twitch to get the notification when we are live!
Also, catch our replays on our YouTube Channel.
2. If you have experienced a cybersecurity incident, here are free templates to communicate with your stakeholders
Join the HacWare Developer Program
To learn more about the HacWare Security Awareness Developer platform, Go to the HacWare for Developers page. Click here to get started!
HacWare makes it stupid easy for software developers and IT teams to launch cybersecurity education solutions to combat phishing attacks. Learn more about HacWare at hacware.com