Go to Google Workspace Admin to add a content compliance setting.
Then select "CONFIGURE" under the Content Compliance section.
Enter a description, "HacWare Gmail".
2. Email messages to affect: Inbound
3. In section 2 under the Add expressions section, select the ADD button to add a setting:
a. Select “If ANY of the following match the message”
b. Metadata match: Source IP is within the range
c. Click SAVE
4. In section 2 under the Add expressions section, select the ADD button to add a setting:
a. Select "Advanced content match"
b. Select "Location: Full headers"
c. Select "Match Type: Contains Text"
d. Select "Content: X-CLOUD-SEC-HACWARE-TEST"
e. Click SAVE, Please confirm that your setting matches the image below.
5. In section 3, check "Bypass Spam Filtering for this message", under Spam.
6. Click SAVE. 7. Please make sure you have configured the allow list rules for Gmail.