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New Secure Code Training for LMS users

What's New at HacWare?

We are making it easy to train your developers about secure coding! We have released new secure coding content to this LMS and so much more.

Watch this week's episode of What's New?! to see our updates. Also, check out the worst phishing attacks from this week!

How do I find this change in the Product:

  • If you are a PLUS account holder and using the UI , go to the "Awareness Training" menu item, select the "Content Management" menu item. Then select the "Add Course" button. You should see the new secure code quizzes and videos.

  • If you are a PLUS account holder and using the API, go to the training endpoints and view the course_list and quiz_list endpoints. You should see the new secure code quizzes and videos.

Join the HacWare Developer Program

To learn more about the HacWare Security Awareness Developer platform, Go to the HacWare for Developers page. Click here to get started!

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