This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to install HacWare for Outlook users.
Please watch the video to walk you through how to onboard a tenant.
Please follow the instructions below:
Install HacWare
From the Partner dashboard select, Add Tenant.
2. Then select Microsoft 365 from the New Tenant dialog.
3. Select the INSTALL NOW button.
Follow this step if you have the "Global administrator" role in the Microsoft 365 admin center. If you do not have the "Global administrator" role in the Microsoft 365 admin center, follow step 3a.
3a. This section is for HacWare partners who do not have the Global administrator role in Microsoft 365. Please follow the steps below to invite the administrator.
Type the email administrator's email address.
Press the INVITE button.
The email administrator will receive a message titled "Authorization Invite". The email will require the link titled "COMPLETE AUTHORIZATION" to be clicked.
The email administrator will need to pick the Microsoft account to log into. This will be the account that is installed for HacWare.
Next, press the Accept button on the Microsoft permission request page.
Next, the email administrator will see the confirmation page that the installation was successful. Please make sure the administrator completes step 7.
4. Setup Email Security Rules:
To whitelist the email and create allow rules in Outlook, please follow the steps in this guide. If you are using other email security tools, please search for other whitelisting guides in the partner support center.
5. Deactivate Unwanted Accounts:
Go into the tenant dashboard and select Manage -> Licenses to Deactivate any unwanted email accounts. Then, select Manage -> Licenses to Deactivate any unwanted email accounts. Reminder: HacWare will bill the partner company for active licenses every billing cycle.
6. Set Up the Contact List:
Go to the Partner Portal, and select Tenants - Management menu items. Then modify the contacts in the Contact List table.
Follow the steps above and make sure you set the appropriate contact for training.
Contact List Definitions:
Security Admin Contact - The phishing simulations will use this contact to impersonate the security administrator.
CEO Contact - The phishing simulations will use this contact to impersonate the CEO.
Phishing Reporter Contact - The Phishing Reporter button will forward suspicious emails to this email contact.
Security Training Reminder Contact - The contact will be displayed on training emails and will be CC'd on reminder emails when there are 3 missed attempts to remind the end-users about completing the training.
HR or Management Training Reminder Contact - The contact will be displayed on training emails and will be CC'd on reminder emails when there are 6 missed attempts to remind the end-users about completing the training.
To add additional administrators to their tenant dashboard, share the following instructions:
Go to the Tenant URL, and Select the Manage -> Admin menu. Then, type the email to invite other contacts to the platform.
7. Install the Phishing Reporter button in Outlook.
To install the HacWare custom add-on for the desktop, please follow the steps in the installation guide.
To install the HacWare custom add-on for the mobile, please follow the steps in the installation guide.
Now the installation process is complete!
Final Thoughts
HacWare will begin scheduling phishing simulations automatically for active users. To ensure your users receive all their HacWare training emails, please complete the steps in the whitelisting guide. If you need further assistance, please reach out to our support team at support@hacware.com